Rapid Information Serving Communities

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What is RISCalert?

RISCalert is a real-time global communications tool. It connects public safety agencies, local authorities & utility companies to their target audience through highly accurate, bespoke messaging. A secure, cloud-hosted platform dedicated to public safety, RISCalert is accessible via web & phone applications.

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Who is it for?

Public Safety Agencies

Contact individuals or groups with relevant information & update them in real-time

Local Government

Inform businesses & residents about local concerns including evolving Covid-19 guidance

Utility Providers

Engage directly with customers to advise of scheduled & unscheduled supply outages

General Public

Ensure your personal safety & get up-to-date information directly from trusted sources

Responding agencies

Get in touch instantly with your community with swift, precise messaging.

RISCalert gives you the ability to communicate routine messages directly to your community. Building trust in a non-emergent context results in rapid responsiveness, more resilient communities & faster, stronger recovery in times of disaster.

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General public

Receive timely information directly from your local public safety agencies & utility providers.

Minimise disruptions to your daily routine. Keep yourself & your family safe with reliable information from a trusted source. Receive customised notifications straight to your mobile device, landline or email.

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160 million people affected annually


Smart communication solution


90k annual deaths from disasters